Watermark is proud to announce Mary Therese as the artist behind our first exhibit of 2015. A painter of many surfaces, Mary Therese shifts her canvas from paper to fabric with her most recent passion of creating silk paintings illuminated with light. Using the ancient art form of batik, she draws with dyes and hot bees wax to slowly build layers of rich color on the fabric. The exhibit at Watermark is titled “Flying in Circles” and will include her scarves, shawls, and large-scale silk fabric paintings.
“Flying in Circles” opens February 6, with a reception from 5-7 p.m. There will be a 6 p.m. presentation with Mary Therese which will include a creative movement element, bringing bodies with the wearable art pieces together within the installation of large silk paintings. Don’t miss the chance to witness this unique creative opportunity!
About the artist: Mary Therese is originally from Herman, Pennsylvania but has made her home in the north woods of Bemidji for over 20 years. She holds a BFA in painting and printmaking, and a B.A. in art education from the Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. She enjoys working in acrylics, watercolors, multimedia collage, and dyes. Beyond her wearable art of scarves and shawls, Mary Therese also creates wall paintings, murals, church paraments, and window dressings. She teaches art and yoga workshops in her studio, and is the mother of three children, three cats, and a dog.