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David with Sheep and Grandpa, Pastoral Study, 2020 - R.J. Kern Red barn with photo screen and young man and sheep posing in front.

The Unchosen Ones: Portraits of an American Pastoral – R.J. Kern

RECEPTION & Book Launch Jan 20. EXHIBIT Jan 13 – Mar 25. Four years after “The Unchosen Ones”, R. J. Kern re-photographed many of the subjects of the original series. In some cases, the animal and its handler are photographed together again. In other cases, the child has moved on and replaced the animal with some new pursuit; a tractor, a chicken, a fishing pole.

painting by Alice Blessing

Thirteen: Nonconformity – Alice Blessing

Artist’s Talk March 26, 2 – 4pm. Exhibit: Extended to March 26. With her newest series of bold and bright portraits of children, Alice Blessing journeys through the developmental consequences of patriarchy and systematic oppression. Originally exploring feminism and puberty, Blessing’s deeply personal concept evolved to address intersectionality, gender and diversity.

Party in the Garden

Abstractions x Four – Charles Alberti

Reception: Oct 1, 5-7pm. Exhibit: October 1 – November 27, 2021. This exhibit is the outgrowth of a recently published chapbook sharing his life as an artist. By focusing on abstract concepts, Alberti says he has let color dominate and control his expressions with color becoming the tool of investigation and discovery.

Best Seat in the House -Lowell Wolff

Reflections of Northern Minnesota – Lowell Wolff

Presentation September 16 6pm. Exhibit July 2 – Sep 25, 2021: The word “reflection” can describe a contemplative mental state or the mirroring of light, particularly the reflection off water – a centerpiece of northern Minnesota identity. One hopes that the exhibit illustrates the fusion of both meanings into the viewer’s experience creating visual artistry through a lens.