November 9 – December 22
Artist Reception: November 9, from 5 – 7 pm
Artist Demonstration: December 8, from 10 am – 2 pm
Mazinigwaaso – She Stitches Fancy features bead and quill work by three recent award-winning artists. Robyn Van Wert and Pamela Iceman are both 2018 Region 2 Arts Council Anishinaabe Arts Initiative Fellows. Cari Tabor is a 2018 Minnesota State Fair Merit Award winner.
An artist reception for Mazinigwaaso will be held on November 9, from 5-7 p.m. In addition to the reception, there will be a second opportunity to meet the artists during an artist demonstration held at Watermark on December 8, from 10 am – 2 p.m.
The Mazinigwaaso exhibit will be on display at Watermark through December 22.
Artists Statements:
I am a quiet and thoughtful person by nature and my art allows me to express my pride and perspective of the beauty and history of what I see and feel regarding my Ojibwe cultural identity. – Robin Van Wert
My work is created to explore, share, and carry on Ojibwe tradition. – Cari Tabor
I put to beadwork what I see in my mind. It always turns out so much better than what I think it will. I consider myself to be an old-style, in that I work with simple patterns and basic colors, but the work always turns out so beautifully. -Pamela Iceman
Exhibit Sponsor: