Watermark Art Center is excited to announce that it is the a recipient of an Art Access grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board! In early September, the art center received notice that it had been awarded $47,951 for program development relating to its Native American gallery and efforts to foster strategic, long-term engagement with regional Native American artists.
“We are thrilled about what this means to future programming at the art center, as well as for area Native American artists,” said Watermark Executive Director Lori Forshee-Donnay. “Receiving an Arts Access grant provides Watermark the opportunity to further implement the ongoing efforts of our Native American Gallery committee. This opportunity is significant for the Watermark and for the region.”
The grant will expedite Watermark’s plans for the dedicated Native American Gallery by providing funding for a program director, outreach and artist development, and design and construction of gallery cases to display artwork, culminating in a guest artist juried exhibit in 2017.
Funding for the Arts Access grant was made possible through an appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature and Cultural Heritage Fund passed by the Minnesota voters on November 4th, 2008.
Watermark is one of 47 recipients of Minnesota State Arts Board funding. Alongside the art center, organizations such as In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre in Minneapolis, the Minnesota Opera, and the Minneapolis Museum of American Art also received funding. There were 94 applicants total.
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.