CREATING SAFELY TOGETHER in the Education Studio
Watermark will follow the current required CDC protocol for educational settings at the time of classes, workshops, and camps. Please keep in mind that requirements may change at any time.
SMALLER CLASSES. While we continue to social distance, we will be placing a cap of maximum 8-9 students per class.
PERSONALIZED SPACE AND MATERIALS. During this time, students will have their own seat and table with the appropriate distance between seats. Watermark will take extra care in cleaning and sanitizing the studio and materials between classes. Students will be expected to follow spacing requirements and use hand sanitizer upon entry.
SCREENINGS AND MASKS. Watermark instructors and assistants will be fully vaccinated. Masks may be required for students depending on CDC guidelines. Students will be expected to stay home and to notify Watermark if experiencing symptoms of COVID.
A Quick Look:
- We will continue to offer free admission to galleries and shop!
- We will provide hand sanitizing stations at both entrance/exits for use upon entry and when leaving the art center.
- We will have plexi- glass shields at our reception desk.
- We will sanitize common areas frequently
Current Hours
Regular Hours
Monday – Saturday 10 am to 5pm
**Masks are optional**
All Guests, visitors, delivery people and vendors are welcome to the Watermark!
For everyone’s safety:
- Masks are optional, but paper masks will be available for free
- Respect physical distancing by staying safely 6 feet or more away from other visitors who are not in your family unit and WAC workers
Currently, WAC is following prescribed guidelines and is providing:
- New exhibits and exciting arts programming
- Increased occupancy for facility and galleries
- Small outdoor events and classes
- Access to the Education Studio re-introducing small group classes and small group meetings,
- Larger events and greater occupancy numbers
Be smart. Stay safe. An inherent risk of exposure exists in any place where people are present. Please observe the precautions above.