In and Out of the Thicket, Diamond Knispel

Wild Whimsy of the Northwoods

RECEPTION Feb 10. Exhibit Feb 10 – April 28.The lively, whimsical paintings explore the stories experienced by flora and fauna hidden in the forest on one warm spring day. The artist’s brush strokes and color choices were influenced by discoveries made when she explored this unseen and unheard world. The lively, whimsical paintings explore the stories experienced by flora and fauna hidden in the forest on one warm spring day. The artist’s brush strokes and color choices were influenced by discoveries made when she explored this unseen and unheard world.

David with Sheep and Grandpa, Pastoral Study, 2020 - R.J. Kern

The Unchosen Ones: Portraits of an American Pastoral – R.J. Kern

RECEPTION & Book Launch Jan 20. EXHIBIT Jan 13 – Mar 25. Four years after “The Unchosen Ones”, R. J. Kern re-photographed many of the subjects of the original series. In some cases, the animal and its handler are photographed together again. In other cases, the child has moved on and replaced the animal with some new pursuit; a tractor, a chicken, a fishing pole.

Cedar Bark Mat weaving

Gaa-miinigoowiziyang – What We were Given

RECEPTION Jan 14, 2 – 4pm. EXHIBIT December 8- extended to February 25, 2023. The artwork of the local Native grassroots organization “Manidoo Ogitigaan” Or Spirit Garden, reflects their desire to revitalize art forms and cultural knowledge in a meaningful way that bridges gaps in order to build lasting relationships and a cultural legacy. To protect and preserve resources for generations to come, all materials were gathered in a manner akin to the original inhabitants of the land and processed in a way that is not harmful.